Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trail Issues

Trail advocacy affects all trail users in one way or another.....

Usage of trails is awesome, but protecting the trails so everyone can have access is a major priority for me in my day to day work as a promoter and a racer.....

Today we had a users group meeting for trail access of the former Army Base at Ft Ord. I am facing trail closures to some of the best MTB riding in this area. Plus many of the trails that I use for my CCCX race series are being shut down. It really is a sad situation, and I am having to work extra hard to turn out something positive from these closures. I will have to put forth a complete usage feasibility package showing the new land controllers the importance of our local race series, and that my race series can work around their no trespassing area's. It is not going to be easy, but I must not give up the fight to keep the dream alive for our local racers to compete and race on trails so close to our central coast cities.