Monday, May 18, 2009


I delivered one of my best DH rides of 2009 on Sunday. Racing DH the day after a Cross Country race is never optimal. My legs have less snap and I can feel the fatigue in my body.

But on this day I delivered a solid race run, after riding a hard XC race the day before. When I crossed the finish line I was told I was 2nd fastest out of all the riders in attendance. There were about 150 riders competing and I was 2nd fastest overall. When the final results were posted I lost the overall by 1/2 a second!

.5 seconds~

There was hand timing at the finish, so 1/2 a second is basically a tie, only I came out on the short end of the tie!

The course was super fun and it was a great feeling to race to a strong DH result.