Thursday, February 17, 2011


Sometimes it all works out for me when I race. I race to win, and sometimes it turns out gold.  In fact, 427 times things have worked out in my favor.
The video below shows my 427th race win.  Each victory is sweet to me, and this past one was very sweet!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Looking forward to racing Cross in the Fall and Winter of 2011.  I rate my Cross season of 2010 fun and a good learning experience.  But not fulfilling....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The first race in my CCCX Road Circuit Series went off this past Sunday, and the racing was quite epic due to some very heavy rains at times on race day.

As a promoter you never want to see rain for your cycling event.  But foul weather always seems to make for a memorable day at the races and produces great action on course.

The first race of the day ended after 2 laps for me with a front flat tire.  This was extremely disappointing! 
I made up for that let down with a 3rd place- podium finish in the always difficult 35+ 1/2/3 division later in the day.

I want to improve on these results...

Here is a video I made of my friend Logan Loader, a rider who I started dreaming of racing when he was 8 years old, and won the Pro division at my Circuit Race Sunday.

In a racing career as long as mine, I have seen many kids start cycling, then really get good and make a lifestyle out of racing.  Logan is one of those people and it is good to see him ride so well.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I have started my Road Racing action for 2011, but on the far horizon I see Cyclocross in 8 months time starting up again.  I want a chance to race Cross again, and to improve...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


2010 Cross Racing Done...

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Here are some of the views I take in during my regular Road Rides..

Cycling around the Monterey coastline can be very good at times!

Friday, January 21, 2011


It appears as if my last Cyclocross race for the 2010-11 season was last Saturday.  I want to do more Cross races, as I was just finding my best form of the season.  And now the season is complete.  I will have to wait until next year now...