Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pushin The Pedals

It has been a steady diet of pedal pushing the past few days. The Santa Rosa Criterium was interesting, and I learned some very good lessons at this race. It was nice to find just a little form coming back into my legs at this event. I did not feel great, but at least I did not crumble from fatigue- like has been happening recently when I need to dig deep in races. Then I hosted the CCCX XC Series Final race. The series final event always has a little added pressure for the promoter, and it is usually a fun time out as well.

Monday it was 90 minutes of very easy riding.

Tuesday was some hard efforts at the Ft Ord practice race. I did feel good in the beginning of this workout, but after a few laps I felt bloated and cramped and lacking leg speed when it mattered most.

It was nice to ride knowing that I can now focus on the Road after finishing out promoting the XC Series for CCCX. I am hoping to & eager to ride often and race often in July, August, and September on the Road.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Easy Ride

It was 2 hours easy today along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. I can tell my legs are starting to come back to me and I am feeling less sore after some time off. My legs actually feel fresh, which is a feeling I have not felt for what seems like months now. This weekend I am back to racing on the Road.

Teusday Ride

I really enjoyed the Tuesday practice race tonight. I have been taking it super easy on the bike trying to rest for the past 2 weeks- keeping out of the group ride action, so it was good to finally do a group ride and go through the race motions. My region has a very large amount of talented & strong riders, and it is a good time on Tuesday night when the group contains a plethora of the best from this area. I am looking forward to many more of these hard Tuesday night sessions.

56 Miles
3000 Feet Elevation Gain
3:30 Moving Time

Monday, June 21, 2010

On The Bike

It was 2 hours of very easy riding today through Monterey, Pebble Beach, and Pacific Grove. Sometimes it is nice to ride really easy, and take time to talk to other riders on the road. I met a very interesting married couple today, the wife was a former Mayor of Sun Valley- Idaho. They had many stories to share with me, and if I did not take the time to chat I would have lost out on some great knowledge...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Robinson Canyon

After a forced rest from the bike for a few days, it was nice to get out and ride today! Also, I simply rode my bike into the ground and destroyed all my chain rings and chain from too much riding over the past few months. So it was good to have a few days off the bike- to replace my drive train- and get some rest. It was also good to get back in the saddle and ride today!

I hit the Robinson Canyon brutal interval- posted a OK time- 9 seconds off my desired interval time after 13 minutes. Then I continued on to climb the amazingly steep sections of the Preserve. It felt very good to pedal uphill, and spin the legs at a high cadence.

Garmin reports-

Monday, June 14, 2010


It is time for recovery. Time to take a step back. Then I can begin the 2nd half of my Road Race season.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Today was Race #4 of the CCCX DH Series at Toro Park. The course ended up being very technical and many riders tasted a little dirt when they could not keep upright while trying to shred. I liked the challenge. I just cruzed on my MTB today, flowing down the trail and having a great time in the hills above Monterey.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I always want to be outstanding when racing bikes uphill. Ever since I first started riding bikes I have wanted to be at my best when pedaling up hills. Yet my natural comfort level is highest when I am descending. I will continue to try to be my best racing up hills. Until then I will just have to accept bad days sometimes when I race uphill. Still Mt Diablo is one of my favorite climbs, no matter how much I suffer going up it.

Friday, June 11, 2010


My Garmin map of the CCCX DH course...
I have to get into this guys groove on Saturday pedaling up Mt Diablo...
Here is the giant- my favorite hill to ride- Mt Diablo...

I set the CCCX DH race course today. The ground is super dry and I had to do a lot of patch work on the trails because there was a bunch of erosion. It is never easy to patch the trails when the ground is super hard and dry! The course is really good I think- fast and ripping the entire way.

Saturday I will do the Mt Diablo hill climb race.

My leg muscles are really sore right now after my hard hill filled crazy ride on Wednesday. I could be in big trouble on the slopes of Mt Diablo on Saturday. I know it is not my ideal race, yet I love Mt Diablo & I may as well just go for it and do what I can do..... It will be a hard workout and a good test for sure.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


It was a 3 hour 30 minute ride today in the biggest mountains of Monterey County. Some of the climbs are 20% grade, while most of the sections were between 9% and 11% grade. This route is the ultimate climbing ride I have put together for my regular training region. The totals were really good today- 5500 feet of climbing in 52 miles.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Circuit Workout

The Tuesday Circuit workout is always a good test of strength and fitness. I lacked punch in the beginning but did keep the legs spinning and in the end felt slightly better. I know that if I do not quit when things do not go to plan or I face adversity, then in the long run it will make me better, stronger, & faster.

Garmin totals-

Sunday, June 6, 2010


It was some hard races for me this weekend. I for sure am not guilty of lack of trying.....

However I need to feel most comfortable when the going gets most difficult! This is what I need to work on.

Most of the time it is not going to be easy, and I need to work to really become one with the pain and suffering that will take place to race at my best level.

If it ever is easy, I better attack again and again!

Garmin reports-

PG Crit. Master 35+ 1/2/3-

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rest Rides

This week will be only rest rides for me. I felt super sore after some hard races this past weekend. Now it is easy spins to try and gain recovery. Most of all I am searching for some rest this week.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In The Right Direction

After 4 races the past 3 days, I know I am pedaling in the right direction. Soon the work I have been doing on my form will translate into my desired results. Each race I learn more, and each race my legs are turning over better, and I am feeling better overall sensations in my pedaling technique.

Garmin info from the races-

Auburn Crit.-

Morgan Hill Crit. #1-

Morgan Hill Crit. #2-