Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Epic.......

Another week, and another "Epic" MTB race in Northern California. The Folsom TBF MTB race turned into one of those memorable races..... a race that tests character and ones will to compete and pursue the dream of racing the bicycle.

Saturday on my pre-ride, the course was dry, fast, and fun as usual. However rain was in the forecast. During the night the rain was strong and on race day it continued to be heavy. This steady moisture on the route made the course very tricky, technical, and demanding on racers and their equipment.

I had a pretty good ride going, and was holding 1st place in my division after 3 of the 4 laps. Things were going good, and I was having a blast racing in the rain. Half way thru lap 4 I had a high speed get off on a tricky downhill section of the course. I was flowing pretty fast down the hill and lost my front wheel in the mud, maybe I grabbed too much front brake?

Everything was fine as I was crashing, and it seemed it would just be a high speed slide out into the muddy decent. But there was a downed tree on the ground next to the trail that was waiting for my chin to ram it at full speed. The collision of my chin to the downed tree was really hard as I was moving at a very high rate of speed. I knew it was serious when blood started pouring down onto my clothes. I found myself thinking I was in a UFC fight and just took a back kick to the face.

I did not ever think of quiting and going straight to the medic, which I maybe should have. I had to finish the race, but was passed by the second place rider in my division as I got back on the bike. Blood continued to pour on to my bike, coloring the bike with seemingly a new paint color- splattered red theme. I had blood everywhere, clothes, bike, water bottle, shoes. Basically I was a bloody mess.

I just hoped the gash was not too bad on my chin and pedaled on, mentally bummed at crashing so hard. I finished the race in 2nd place in my division, losing a sure win with the high speed crash and injury. And when I finished the scoring crew was pretty grossed out by the new hole in my chin.

I was hoping it was just a small cut or a bump on my chin, but the amount of blood I lost told me it was no ordinary injury. Sure enough when I got back to the car and looked in the mirror my fears were realised......I had a very big hole under my chin. Maybe big enough to squeeze a golf ball in there.

Stitches would be the prescription to close the giant gash.

It is always good to win races, have everything go so great and experience success as if it was commonplace, natural and proper. However it is the bad times when a person must face their worst moments for one to truly dig in and face the reality that- life is pain......and pain is everything.

Another Epic race.....