Friday, May 29, 2009


This past weekend was some serious racing for me....

On Saturday I did 2 Crit. races in Fresno and finished 3rd in both races. I made the winning break in the Masters 1/2/3 race and finished 3rd. In the Pro 1/2/3 race I played a team role and covered my team mates break, and still managed to finish 3rd place.

Then on Sunday I did the Auburn Crit. near Sacramento. It was a awesome course with some demanding sections, such as a good hill to test fitness and strength and a good DH section to test downhill skills. I made the winning group of 12 riders who stayed together until the end. On the last lap it was full on race warfare. I finished 6th and was happy for this as I was out of position going into the last lap having missed the lap card count down. I was at the very back of the group not even knowing it was the last lap until we went through the finish area. It was a brutally fast race every time up the hill, so I was happy to make the winning group and move up at the very end to claim 6th place. I was pretty sore from the 2 hard races the day before, which made my result even better.

Then on Monday I did the Memorial Day Crit. near San Jose. I almost won the Masters 1/2/3 race. I came into the final sprint in 3rd place, but got pushed all the way against the curb and had to make up ground. In the end I was 4th place, with 3rd place only 2 inches ahead of me via the finish video footage.

In the Pro 1/2/3 race I was just trying to make it to the end. There was 100 riders and the action was pretty hectic. In the end I had perfect position for the final dash to the line, but was completely swarmed by the sprinters and went from 6th place to 15th right on the line. I did win money in Fresno & both races at the Memorial Day Crit. 15th in the pro 1/2/3 race was the final cash payout spot!

Best of all my solid finishes on the weekend qualified myself for a upgrade on the Road race scene. I am now ranked as a Cat. 2 on the Road!! I had this as a goal for the year, but I knew it would be very difficult to attain as the Road races are really hard to place high in.

Yet I managed to place well many times, thus earning my upgrade to a Cat. 2.