Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I love to race Cyclocross, one of my favorite disciplines of cycling for sure. Here I am chasing the leaders up a hill at the famous Manzanita Cross race...

Monday I did 2 hours of easy riding just to get the legs working slightly after the hard race on Sunday. I felt a little tired, but I knew a calm spin with some tempo climbing would help my recovery.

Tonight we had the Tuesday Circuit race practice session. With the cash payout for the winner going on, the group doubled in size from last week. There must have been nearly 30 riders taking part. I felt really good and on lap 2 my planned attack made the deciding break away. Things worked out perfect for my attack as the speed was high going into the climb portion of the route. So I drilled it and told two other strong riders from different teams to follow me. Sure enough it worked and we joined my team mate and another rider who had about a ten second gap on the field when I attacked and the break was settled. Two riders made it across chasing my move, so it was 7 of us gone off the front. All the teams were represented and most of the really strong guys were present.

In the end I watched out for attacks from Team Joselyn's who had 4 riders in the move. The attacks never came, but they did drive the pace all the way to the line. This only helped me and my team mate as we had the best sprints anyways. In the end we went 1-2 for the finishing order and claimed the money for the 2nd week in a row.

Also I have really been putting time in building the Sea Otter Classic Dual Slalom. The course is coming along extra good!

Another interesting item is I am working with the Laguna Seca Raceway to host a open race track night once a month for cyclists. The race track and the County managers envision a community day for cycling on the famed raceway, and local clubs will host the event once a month starting in April. This is good news for cycling on the Monterey peninsula, and having the County realize the benefits of cycling for the community will only help in future activities taking place on County controlled land. I also hope that new riders and people who are just getting interested in cycling can take advantage of this opportunity and simply get out and ride!